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Integrative Healing

Reiki is a wonderful loving energy that provides many healing benefits; but did you know you can receive a more comprehensive, profound and deeper healing with an Integrative healing?  In addition to Reiki, this session includes other energy healing modalities; such as, healing through body systems (e.g., musculoskeletal, nervous), localized healing, chakra balancing, aura healing, light healing, and more.  This session allows for targeted focus at specific body systems (e.g., Urinary, Endocrine), body locations and energetic systems (e.g., aura, chakra).  Each healing will be unique based on what I intuitively feel is needed during the session. 


What to Expect

You can choose to have your virtual session on Zoom or off technology altogether.  When I send you healing, while visualizing you in front of me, you receive the energy just as if you were actually in front of me.   During the session, you relax in a chair or bed, away from any distractions.


Light healing (i.e., bringing light into the body through all directions) helps people feel rejuvenated and have a sense of relaxation, calm, peace and love.  There is often a release of tension, stress or challenging emotions, such as anger or sadness.  

Healing through a body system (e.g., the musculoskeletal system) focuses on sending healing energy to the components of that system to support its function and health.   Localized healing helps an area of discomfort feel better by healing an energy blockage or imbalance in a particular area of the energy field.  For Healing through a body system and localized healing,  I may send elemental energies (e.g., the energetic vibration of a substance), Reiki energy, chi gong, color visualizations, sounds and more.  This often results in relief from physical discomfort and an increase in wellbeing.  


​Each chakra (i.e., whirling vortex that brings energy into and out of the body) corresponds to certain body parts, emotions and a particular gland.  When we feel unwell or experience challenging emotions, often a chakra is blocked or unbalanced.  During chakra work, most people feel positive shifts in their energy, more vitality and less drained.  They often feel the positive expression of the emotion associated with the chakra (e.g., love at the heart chakra and personal power at the solar plexus chakra) and feel a release of unpleasant emotions from a chakra (e.g., a release of sadness from heart chakra).    The aura consists of layers of electromagnetic energy that surrounds the body.  When working on the aura, I clear blockages and debris in the aura so energy can flow and health can be restored.  After healing the aura, people feel relaxed and/or energized and have a renewed sense of wellbeing. 

Cost/payment:  60 minute session:  Future Price is $70 (Free sessions available this October and November)

  • Zoom Session: includes about 45 minutes of healing and about 15 minutes of sharing our experiences of the session

  • Fully Virtual Session: Includes about 45 minutes of healing and the time spent emailing your feedback from the session


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